The 6th chapter of KalpaSiddhiSthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Dravyakalpam. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘Chapter on pharmaceutics’.
The topics covered in this chapter include –
- Prasastha aushadha – best herbs, medicines which are suitable for medical use
- Panca Kasaya
- Ausadha Matra – dose of recipes
- Ausadha Matra – dose of recipes
- Snehapaka Lakshana – Signs to observe for completion of cooking of herbal oil or ghee
- Avaleha paka lakshana – signs of completion of preparation of herbal jams
- Types of snehapaka
- Utility of sneha, based on level of paka
- Mana – units of measurement – simplified formula
- Rules for taking fresh herbs when dry herbs are not available
- Detailed Mana paribhasha – units of measurements
- Place for herb collection
Pledge by the author (s)
अथातो द्रव्यकल्पं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘chapter of pharmaceutics’.
Thus say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.
Prasastha aushadha: Best herbs, medicines which are suitable for medical use
धन्वे साधारणे देशे समे सन्मृत्तिके शुचौ ।
श्मशानचैत्यायतनश्वभ्रवल्मीकवर्जिते ॥ १ ॥
मृदौ प्रदक्षिणजले कुशरोहिषसंस्तृते ।
अफालकृष्टेऽनाक्रान्ते पादपैर्बलवत्तरैः ॥ २ ॥
शस्यते भेषजं जातं युक्तं वर्णरसादिभिः ।
जन्त्वजग्धं दवादग्धमविदग्धं च वैकृतैः ॥ ३ ॥
भूतैश्छायातपाम्ब्वाद्यैर्यथाकालं च सेवितम् ।
अवगाढमहामूलमुदीचीं दिशमाश्रितम् ॥ ४ ॥
Herbs grown in desert regions, temperate regions, regions which are even, regions which are even, are clean, regions apart from a burial ground, Buddhist monastery (or place near a big tree) roads, ravines, and ant hills, of soft mud with source of water located on the right side, area covered with kuśa – Desmostachya bipinnata and rohiṣa – Cymbopogon martinii, not tiled by plough and not occupied by big trees are ideal to be used as medicines. Herbs endowed with good colours, taste etc, not eaten by insects, not burnt by forest fire, not burnt in any other manner, not abnormal in any respect, which have been nourished well by the Bhutas (five elements), shade, sunlight, water etc. at appropriate seasons, those which are spread wide, big roots spread in the northern direction are ideal.
महेन्द्ररामकृष्णानां ब्राह्मणानां गवामपि ।
तपसा तेजसा वाऽपि प्रशाम्यध्वं शिवाय वै ॥ ४+ (१) ॥
मन्त्रेणानेन मतिमान् सर्वमप्यौषधं नयेत् ॥ ४+ (२)अब् ॥
अथ कल्याणचरितः श्राद्धः शुचिरुपोषितः ।
गृह्णीयादौषधं सुस्थं स्थितं काले च कल्पयेत् ॥ ५ ॥
सक्षीरं तदसम्पत्तावनतिक्रान्तवत्सरम् ।
ऋते गुडघृतक्षौद्रधान्यकृष्णाविडङ्गतः ॥ ६ ॥
पयो बाष्कयणं ग्राह्यं विण्मूत्रं तच्च नीरुजाम् ।
वयोबलवतां धातुपिच्छशृङ्गखुरादिकम् ॥ ७ ॥
The wise physician should collect all the herbs uttering the following hymns, you benevolent herb, relive the sufferings of Mahendra, Rama, Krishna, the Brahmanas the cows, by your power and radiance and do them good. Then the physician after performing auspicious rites, with devotion in mind, clean (in dress etc) having fasted (the previous night), should collect the herbs which are found in a good place and at the proper season, should be administered along with its sap (in green state). If that is not possible, herbs should be collected, which are aged not more than one year except jaggery, ghee, honey, grains, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum and viḍaṅgataḥ – Embelia ribes. Milk, dung and urine of cows which have a young calf and (devoid of diseases) in good health, should be collected for use. Tissues (blood, muscle, fat etc), feathers, horns, hoof etc. of animals and birds, which are in their youth and in good strength should be collected.
Pancha Kashaya
कषाययोनयः पञ्च रसा लवणवर्जिताः ।
रसः कल्कः शृतः शीतः फाण्टश्चेति प्रकल्पना ॥ ८ ॥
पञ्चधैव कषायाणां पूर्वं पूर्वं बलाधिका ।
Except the salt the (herbs of) five tastes are the source of the Kasaya (formulae) fresh juice, paste, decoction, cold infusion, hot infusion are the five kinds of recipes, herbs formulations each preceding one, stronger than its succeeding.
सद्यःसमुद्धृतात्क्षुण्णाद्यः स्रवेत्पटपीडितात् ॥ ९ ॥
स्वरसः स समुद्दिष्टः कल्कः पिष्टो द्रवाप्लुतः ।
चूर्णोऽप्लुतः शृतः क्वाथः शीतो रात्रिं द्रवे स्थितः ॥ १० ॥
सद्योऽभिषुतपूतस्तु फाण्टस्तन्मानकल्पने ।
The juice taken out from a fresh (green) herb, well pounded and strained after squeezing through cloth and is known as Svarasa (fresh juice/ native juice) Kalka (paste) is that macerated with any liquid; when not macerated with liquid it is called curna (powder). Srta (or quatha) is decoction (boiled in any liquid), cold infusion is that soaked in any liquid and kept overnight (and then filtered). Phanta (hot infusion) is soaked in any warm liquid, stirring it, filtering through cloth and using it immediately.
Aushadha Matra: Dose of recipes
युञ्ज्याद्व्याध्यादिबलतस्तथा च वचनं मुनेः ॥ ११ ॥
मात्राया न व्यवस्थास्ति व्याधिं कोष्ठं बलं वयः ।
आलोच्य देशकालौ च योज्या तद्वच्च कल्पना ॥ १२ ॥
The dose of these (recipes/herbs forms) should be decided both for the herb and for the recipe (herb form); in accordance with (appropriate to) the strength of disease etc., by following the words of the muni (Caraka) ‘there is no fixed/ rigid arrangement of the dose, these should be determined after considering the disease, nature of the alimentary tract of the patient his strength and age, the land (nature of) and time (season), incorporate same rule for kalpana (recipe).
Aushadha Matra: Medium dose
मध्यं तु मानं निर्दिष्टं स्वरसस्य चतुःपलम् ।
The medium dose specified of fresh juice is 4 Pala (192 grams).
Aushadha Matra: Dose of recipes
पेष्यस्य कर्षमालोड्यं तद्द्रवस्य पलत्रये ॥ १३ ॥
The medium dose of Peshya – kalka – paste and Churna – powder is 1 Karsha (12 grams). It is administered mixed with 3 Pala (144 ml) of liquids.
Aushadha Matra – dose of recipes: Kwatha
क्वाथं द्रव्यपले कुर्यात्प्रस्थार्धं पादशेषितम् ।
Decoction is prepared by 1 Pala = 48 grams of Dravya – herb powder mixed with Ardhaprastha (384 ml) of water, boiled and reduced to padashesha (a quarter, i.e. 96 ml).
Ausadha Matra – dose of recipes: Hima
शीतं पले पलैः षड्भिश्चतुर्भिस्तु ततोऽपरम् ॥ १४ ॥
Hima Kalpana cold infusion is prepared with 1 pala (48 grams) of herbs mixed with 6 pala (288 ml) of water, the other one Phanta is prepared with 1 pala (48 grams) of herbs mixed with 4 pala (192 ml) of water.
Sneha Matra: Proportions
स्नेहपाके त्वमानोक्तौ चतुर्गुणविवर्धितम् ।
कल्कस्नेहद्रवं योज्यमधीते शौनकः पुनः ॥ १५ ॥
स्नेहे सिध्यति शुद्धाम्बुनिःक्वाथस्वरसैः क्रमात्।
कल्कस्य योजयेदंशं चतुर्थं षष्ठमष्टमम् ॥ १६ ॥
पृथक् स्नेहसमं दद्यात्पञ्चप्रभृति तु द्रवम् ।
In Snehapaka – preparation of herbal oil or herbal ghee, if the quantities are not specified, then, herbal paste, oil or ghee, liquids should be taken 4 times to the previous ones. That means 1 part of herbal paste, 4 parts of oil or ghee and 16 parts of liquids. As per master Shaunaka, oil or ghee is prepared (when the liquid used for Snehapaka is not specified) from pure water/decoction/ juice extract by using as the liquid in that order, then the quantity of Kalka (paste) should be 1/4th, 1/6th and 1/8th to that of Sneha (oil or ghee). (This means, if water is the liquid, then kalka: Sneha: water = 1:4:16, If kwatha is the liquid, then kalka: Sneha: water = 1:6:24,
If Swarasa – herbal juice extract is used, then kalka: Sneha: water = 1:8:32) When the number of liquids used in Snehapaka is more than five, then all five liquids should be used in equal proportions.
Snehapaka Lakshana: Signs to observe for completion of cooking of herbal oil or ghee
नाङ्गुलीग्राहिता कल्के न स्नेहेऽग्नौ सशब्दता ॥ १७ ॥
शुष्कद्रव्यं यदा न स्यात्तदा सद्यःसमुद्धृतम् ।
द्विगुणं तत्प्रयोक्तव्यं कुडवादि द्रवं तथा ॥ १७१+१ ॥
वर्णादिसम्पच्च यदा तदैनं शीघ्रमाहरेत्।
घृतस्य फेनोपशमस्तैलस्य तु तदुद्भवः ॥ १८ ॥
The signs of Snehapaka are – The Kalka cannot be held by the finger. It becomes unctuous and slimy. When the oil or ghee is put on fire, there will not be sound. There will be proper color, aroma and taste. Frothing disappears when herbal ghee preparation nears completion. Frothing appears, nearing completion of herbal oil preparation. When these symptoms are found, the heating of oil / ghee should be stopped and the vessel should be taken out of fire.
Avaleha paka lakshana: Signs of completion of preparation of herbal jams
लेहस्य तन्तुमत्ताऽप्सु मज्जनं सरणं न च ।
When preparing Avaleha, (when a piece of herbal jam is taken between the fingers), it causes threads, when the paste of Avaleha is dropped in water, it settles down and it does not spread.

Types of snehapaka
पाकस्तु त्रिविधो मन्दश्चिक्कणः खरचिक्कणः ॥ १९ ॥ मन्दः कल्कसमे किट्टे चिक्कणो मदनोपमे ।
किञ्चित्सीदति कृष्णे च वर्त्यमाने च पश्चिमः ॥ २० ॥ दग्धोऽत ऊर्ध्वं निष्कार्यः स्यादामस्त्वग्निसादकृत्।
Snehapaka is of three types Manda, Chikkana and khara Chikkana. Manda – The cooked paste in the Sneha, if taken out, it will be similar to kalka in texture. Chikkana – in this state, the cooked paste will be like Madana – like bee’s wax. Beyond this stage is Khara Chikkana, in this stage, the paste will be heavy and granular and does not form a wick when rolled between the fingers, paste turns dark or undercooked Sneha causes decrease of digestion strength. black in colour beyond the Khara Chikkana stage, is the burnt stage of Snehapaka, it is not medically useful, the raw, it diminishes digestive fire.
Utility of sneha, based on level of paka
मृदुर्नस्ये खरोऽभ्यङ्गे पाने वस्तौ च चिक्कणः ॥ २१ ॥
Mrudupaka sneha is useful as nasal drops, Khara stage of Sneha is useful in massage, for oral consumption and usage in Basti treatment, Chikkana stage of Snehapaka is ideal to use.
Mana – Units of measurement: Simplified formula
शाणं पाणितलं मुष्टिं कुडवं प्रस्थमाढकम् ।
द्रोणं वहं च क्रमशो विजानीयाच्चतुर्गुणम् ॥ २२ ॥
śāṇaṃ – Shana,
pāṇitalaṃ – panitala,
muṣṭiṃ – mushti,
kuḍavaṃ – kudava,
prasthaṃ – prastha,
āḍhakam – adaka,
droṇaṃ – drona
vahaṃ – vaha
These are four times the quantity of previous units (i.e. 4 Shana = 1 pani tala, 4 panitala = 1 mushti and so on) In this way they should be understood.
Rules for taking fresh herbs when dry herbs are not available
द्विगुणं योजयेदार्द्रं कुडवादि तथा द्रवम् ।
In the absence of dry herbs, wet herbs should be used in double quantities. In the units of measurement such as Kudava etc.
Anukta grahana: Default rules
पेषणालोडने वारि स्नेहपाके च निर्द्रवे ॥ २३ ॥
कल्पयेत्सदृशान् भागान् प्रमाणं यत्र नोदितम् ।
कल्कीकुर्याच्च भैषज्यमनिरूपितकल्पनम् ॥ २४ ॥
अङ्गानुक्तौ तु मूलं स्यादप्रसिद्धौ तदेव तु ।
While preparing a paste or dissolving or an herbal ghee / oil formula, if the liquid is not specified, then water is taken by default. Wherever the quantity of individual ingredients is not specified, plan each ingredient in equal proportion. If the dosage form of formulation – is not specified, then Kalka – herbal paste of the herb should be considered as the default dosage form. When the part of the plant is not specified, then the root should be taken, these are the famous rules to follow.
Detailed Mana paribhasha: Units of measurements
षड्वंश्यस्तु मरीचिः स्यात्षण्मरीच्यस्तु सर्षपः ।
तण्डुलः सर्षपास्त्वष्टौ धान्यमाषस्तु तौ यवः ॥ २५१+ (१) ॥
तावण्डिका चतुर्भिस्तैर्माषकः शाणकस्तथा ॥ २५१+ (२)अब् ॥
अक्षं पिचुः पाणितलं सुवर्णं कवलग्रहः ।
कर्षो बिडालपदकं तिन्दुकः पाणिमानिका ॥ २६ ॥
शब्दान्यत्वमभिन्नेऽर्थे शुक्तिरष्टमिका पिचू ।
पलं प्रकुञ्चो बिल्वं च मुष्टिराम्रं चतुर्थिका ॥ २७ ॥
द्वे पले प्रसृतस्तौ द्वावञ्जलिस्तौ तु मानिका ।
आढकं भाजनं कंसो द्रोणः कुम्भो घटोऽर्मणम् ॥ २८ ॥
तुला पलशतं तानि विंशतिर्भार उच्यते ।
6 Vamshi, 1 Mareechi, 6 Mareechi is equal to 1 Sarshapa
sarṣapā: tu taṇḍulaḥ aṣṭau dhānya māṣa: tu tau yavaḥ – 8 Sarshapa = 1 Tandula, 8 Tandula = 1 Dhanya masha, 2 Dhanya Masha = 1 Yava
tau aṇḍikā caturbhi: tai: māṣakaḥ śāṇaka: tathā – 4 Yava = 1 Andika, 4 Andika = 1 Masha, 4 Masha = 1 Shaana / Shaanaka.
akṣaṃ picuḥ pāṇitalaṃ suvarṇaṃ kavalagrahaḥ – 2 Shaana = 1 Vataka = Kola, Badara, Dramshana, 2 Vataka = 1 Aksha, Pichu, Panitala, Suvarna, Kavalagraha,
karṣo biḍālapadakaṃ tindukaḥ pāṇimānikā – Karsha, Vidalapadaka, Tinduka, Panimanika
Śabda anyatvaṃ abhinne arthe śukti: aṣṭamikā picū – 2 Aksha (or 2 Pichu) = 1 Shukti, Ashtamika
palaṃ prakuñco bilvaṃ ca muṣṭi: āmraṃ caturthikā – 2 Shukti = Pala, Prakuncha, Bilva, Mushti, Amra, Chaturtika
dve pale prasṛta: tau dvau añjali: tau tu mānikā – 2 Pala = 1 prasruti, 2 prasruta = 1 Anjali ,Kudava, 2 Anjali = 1 Manika = 8 Pala.
āḍhakaṃ bhājanaṃ kaṃso droṇaḥ kumbho ghaṭo armaṇam – 16 Anjali or 16 Kudava = 1 Adhaka, Adhaka, Bhajana and Kamsa are synonyms, 4 Adhaka = 1 Drona, Kumbha, Ghata and Armana.
100 pala is equal to 1 Tula, 20 Tula is equal to Bhara.
Place for herb collection
हिमवद्विन्ध्यशैलाभ्यां प्रायो व्याप्ता वसुन्धरा ॥ २९ ॥
सौम्यं पथ्यं च तत्राद्यमाग्नेयं वैन्ध्यमौषधम् ॥ २९ऊअब् ॥
Ideal earth for herb collection, spans between Vindhya mountains and Himalayas. For cold potency and congenial herbs, Himalaya is suitable, for herbs of hot potency, Vindhya mountains is ideal place for herb collection.
इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां पञ्चमे कल्पसिद्धिस्थाने द्रव्यकल्पो नाम षष्ठोऽध्याय: ॥ ६ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter Dravyakalpam – the sixth in Kalpa-Siddhi- Sthana of Astanghrdaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhta, son of Vaidyapati Simhagupta.