How Does Cryotherapy Help in Losing Fat?

Cryotherapy, which involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for short periods, is believed by some to aid in fat loss and weight loss through several mechanisms.

While more research is needed to fully understand and validate these effects, here are the proposed ways cryotherapy might help with fat loss and weight loss:

Mechanisms of Cryotherapy for Fat Loss and Weight Loss

  1. Increased Metabolic Rate: Exposure to cold temperatures can stimulate the body’s metabolism as it works to maintain its core temperature. This increased metabolic rate may lead to more calories being burned even after the cryotherapy session is over.
  2. Fat Browning: Cryotherapy is thought to promote the conversion of white fat cells (which store energy) into brown fat cells (which burn energy). Brown fat cells generate heat by burning calories, potentially leading to a reduction in body fat.
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Cryotherapy can reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, allowing individuals to recover faster from workouts and maintain a more consistent exercise routine. This can contribute to overall weight loss.
  4. Enhanced Exercise Performance: By reducing muscle soreness and speeding up recovery times, cryotherapy can help individuals perform better during workouts and increase their physical activity levels, which can aid in weight loss.
  5. Appetite Suppression: Some studies suggest that exposure to cold temperatures might suppress appetite, which could lead to reduced caloric intake and subsequent weight loss.

Types of Cryotherapy

  1. Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC): Involves standing in a cryotherapy chamber or cryosauna where the body (excluding the head) is exposed to extremely cold air (typically -100°C to -140°C) for 2-4 minutes.
  2. Localized Cryotherapy: Targets specific areas of the body with cold air or ice packs. This is often used for injury recovery and inflammation reduction.

Considerations and Safety

  1. Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting cryotherapy, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.
  2. Professional Supervision: Ensure that cryotherapy is administered by trained professionals in a reputable facility to minimize risks.
  3. Safety Precautions: Follow all safety guidelines provided by the cryotherapy facility, including appropriate clothing and duration of exposure.

Scientific Evidence

While there are anecdotal reports and some preliminary studies supporting the benefits of cryotherapy for fat loss and weight loss, more rigorous, large-scale clinical trials are needed to establish its efficacy and safety definitively. Some studies have shown potential benefits, but the overall evidence is still inconclusive.


Cryotherapy might aid in fat loss and weight loss through mechanisms like increased metabolic rate, fat browning, reduced inflammation, enhanced exercise performance, and appetite suppression. However, it should be used as a complementary approach alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consulting with a healthcare provider and ensuring safe practices are essential when considering cryotherapy for weight loss.


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