Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Yashtyadi Basti
Reference – The reference of this decoction enema is from Charaka Samhita – Siddhi Sthana, Chapter 3, verse 46.
Name analysis & mode of action
Yashti or Yashtimadhu – licorice is the main and first ingredient used in this enema recipe. So, the name of this decoction enema recipe goes by its first ingredient mentioned in the list of ingredients used in its preparation.
Yashti – Yashtimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra – Liquorice
Adi – and others (other ingredients)
Basti – enema
Yashtyadi Basti is an enema preparation wherein Yashtimadhu is the main ingredient used along with other ingredients.
Action – This enema is used for the treatment of gouty arthritis and herpes.
Type of Vasti – Yashtyadi Vasti is a type of Niruha or Ashtapana Basti in which the decoction of Yashtimadhu and other herbs is administered as enema.
Yashtyadi Asthapana / Niruha Vasti (Basti)
Ingredients –
a. For preparation of Kashaya / Kwatha – decoction
– Yashtimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra – 8 palas – 384 grams approximately
– Kshira – Milk – 8 palas – 384 grams approximately
– Jala – water – 4 times that of Yashtimadhu or Milk – 32 pala – 3072 grams approximately
i. Yashtimadhu and water are heated until one eighth of it remains i.e. 8 palas or 4 prasrita of Kashaya remains. Milk is added at the end as Avapa. (For Method 1 explained below).
ii. All these ingredients are heated such that all water evaporates and only milk is remaining (Ksheera Kashaya) and filtered. (For Method 2 and its variant – Method 3 explained below).
b. For preparation of Kalka – paste
– Shatahva – Anethum sowa
– Phala – Madanaphala – Randia dumetorum
– Pippali – Piper longum – Long pepper
Paste – all together – 1 prasrita – 96 grams

c. Makshika – Madhu – honey – 2 prasrita – 4 pala – 192 grams
d. Sneha – unctuous material – Sarpi / Ghrita – Ghee – 3 prasrita – 6 pala – 288 grams approximately
e. Saindhava Lavana – Rock Salt – 1 karsha = 12 grams
Method of preparation
Here we can see that the preparation has been explained in a verse of just two lines. Other than the quantity of Yashtimadhu, the quantity of no other ingredient has been specified.
So, the preparation of Kashaya should be according to the standardized method explained in the texts.
Master Charaka, as in most formulations, has not mentioned Saindhava Lavana – rock salt in this recipe too. It is assumed to be taken as per classic way of preparation. Similarly, the Avapa Dravya i.e. a liquid like milk to be added at the end of the preparation of Vasti dravya too has not been specified as Avapa, but Master Charaka mentions it in the preparation itself in the first line of the verse.
So, let us assume the preparation to be done in two different ways.
1. Method 1 – As per classical reference / standard
In every step care should be taken that each ingredient is mixed with the other ingredient thoroughly so that they form a homogenous mixture. Only after this, the next ingredient is added.
– First Saindhava Lavana is mixed thoroughly with Madhu.
– To this, the Sneha i.e. Ghrita as mentioned in the reference / verse is added and thoroughly mixed.
– To the above said mixture, Kalka i.e. paste of Shatahva etc is added and mixed thoroughly.
– The Kashaya prepared with Yashtimadhu and Water is added to the mixture of saindhava, madhu, Sneha and kalka and thoroughly mixed.
– Finally, the milk is added to the preparation and mixed thoroughly so as to form a homogenous mixture.
Now the Vasti dravya is ready to administer.
Note – the ingredients should be taken in the quantity (of each) mentioned above.
2. Method 2 – As per the verse
In this mode of preparation, we will not take the milk as avapa – add on. Since it is mentioned along with Yashtimadhu we can consider the preparation to be following the template of Ksheera Kashaya (decoction prepared along with milk and not the milk being added to the decoction) or Ksheera Paka Vidhi i.e. procedure of preparing milk processed recipes.
Here, the steps will slightly change as will abide with the preparation without manipulating the method of preparation.
– Ashtamamsha Kashaya / Ksheera Kashaya is prepared by heating together Yashtimadhu, Milk and Water, until one eighth remains. This is filtered so as to obtain Ksheera Kashaya.
– Paste of Shatahva, Madanaphala and Pippali is mixed with the above-mentioned Kashaya so as to form a homogenous mixture.
– To this mixture, honey and ghee is added and mixed thoroughly to form a homogenous mixture.
The recipe is ready to be administered.
Method 3 – Variant of Method 2
The Ksheera Kashaya is prepared as explained above.
Saindhava Lavana, Madhu, Ghrta, Shatahvadi Kalka and Yashtimadhu Ksheera Kashaya are mixed in order to get a homogenous mixture. The preparation is ready to be administered.
Benefits of Yashtyadi Vasti
Yashtyadi Niruha Vasti is highly effective in curing the below mentioned conditions –
– Vatarakta – gout – systemic disorder cause by combined aggravation of vata and rakta (blood) presenting with painful conditions in the joints and other body parts
– Vaisvarya – Hoarseness of voice, pathological changes in the voice, vocal disorders
– Visarpa – Erysipelas, Herpes, Inflammatory skin conditions having tendency to spread
Action on Doshas
Note – It is always the entire formulation which has therapeutic effect and not the individual ingredient.
In this formulation, Yashtimadhu is the main herb and has been used in large quantities. Therefore, most of its therapeutic action can be attributed to Yashtimadhu.
Yashtimadhu is potent in mitigating / balancing vata and pitta.
Action on Dhatus
‘Asrujit’ has been mentioned among the actions of Yashtimadhu which means ‘conquers morbid blood’. Though this is an enema recipe explained by Master Charaka, we can remember that Rakta is a 4th dosha according to Master Sushruta and most diseases are caused by vitiation of or by vitiated blood.
We can see that the recipe has been mentioned as the best remedy for vatarakta and visarpa, both of which are caused due to abnormal increase of rakta or contamination of rakta or raktavaha srotas.
Additional Thoughts & Probable mode of action
Yashtyadi Vasti combats morbid vata and pitta and also rakta. So, it is beneficial in painful and inflammatory conditions like vatarakta and visarpa.
It is prepared with a good quantity of milk and is a milk-based decoction enema. So, this enema also provides nutrition apart from cleansing and detoxifying the system. Being in milk base it helps in degenerative conditions caused by vata and inflammatory conditions caused by pitta and rakta.
This Vasti helps in purifying the blood and establishing blood health. In this way it helps proper nourishment and oxygenation reach to all tissues through rakta and hence living. It also cleanses the raktavaha srotas.
The Vasti helps in checking the pathogenesis of diseases like vatarakta and visarpa and provides immunity against the same.
Yashtimadhu is said to be a svarya i.e. voice-promoter. Therefore, it can be used in diseases of the vocal cord or hoarseness of voice. It can be used in diseases wherein the person has developed abnormalities of voice and hoarseness associated with cough and dyspnoea, laryngeal disorders and conditions associated with stridor.
Yashtyadi Vasti can be tried in ‘unsaid conditions’ – including many inflammatory conditions of pitta origin and spectrum of diseases caused due to rakta dushti or rakta vriddhi, and also in painful vata conditions.