Seasonal Considerations for Administration of Snehana

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Among many factors, we need to initially consider the seasonal factor for administration of Sneha, while conducting snehapana – oleation therapy. The type of Sneha selected for the Snehana therapy should also be ideal with the prakriti, dosha and vikriti of the individual and more so ever with the kala – season in which the Sneha is administered.

Snehana cannot be randomly done in any season. Similarly, Sneha cannot be used in any season. There are rules and regulations for everything, explained in the Ayurveda treatises, which should be religiously followed for obtaining better results and also to avoid any side or untoward effects or complications due to the therapy.

In this article we shall discuss the seasonal relationship with snehana therapy.

Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya SutraSthana Chapter 16, Verses 12-14

Ideal seasons and time for administration of Snehana – oleation / lubrication therapy

तैलं प्रावृषि, वर्षान्ते सर्पिरन्यौ तु माधवे।
ऋतौ साधारणे स्नेहः शस्तोऽह्नि विमले रवौ॥१२॥
तैलं त्वरायां शेतेऽपि घर्मेऽपि च घृतं निशि।
निश्येव पित्ते पवने संसर्गे पित्तवत्यपि॥१३॥
निश्यन्यथा वातकफाद्रोगाः स्युः पित्ततो दिवा।

There are basically four types of Sneha.

1.    Sarpi – ghee

2.    Majja – bone marrow

3.    Vasa – muscle fat

4.    Taila – oil

One or more of these can be used for the purpose of snehana. Ideally and for all practical purposes, use of single Sneha is preferred. Ghee is the most used Sneha for Snehapana, while preparing the patient for Panchakarma procedures, mainly Vamana and Virechana.

We will now see which Sneha fits in which season when it comes to clinical administration.

Tailam Pravrushi: Oil is ideal in Pravrit Ritu

Taila – oil is said to be ideal for administration in Pravrit Ritu i.e. early monsoon season. From this information, we can also derive that oil can be administered in Varsha Rtu – monsoon or rainy season also. Varsha / Pravrt Rtu is the season in which Vata Prakopa – aggravation of vata naturally takes place. So, all practices including foods and activities should be focused towards balancing vata. Taila is the best for balancing vata and is ideal in these seasons.

Varshante Sarpi: Ghee is ideal in Sharad Rtu

Sarpi / Ghrta – ghee is ideal for administration in Varshanta Rtu i.e. Sharad Rtu – autumn season. Pitta aggravation naturally takes place in Sharad Rtu. Therefore, all practices including foods and activities should be focused towards balancing pitta. Ghrta / ghee is the best for balancing pitta and is ideal in these seasons.

Anyau tu Madhave: The others i.e. muscle fat and bone marrow in Madhava / Vasanta Rtu

Vasa – muscle fat and Majja – bone marrow are ideal for administration in Madhava / Vasanta Rtu i.e. spring season. These two unctuous substances are rarely used in snehana and are also used in exclusive cases wherein they are indicated. If they need to be used, they need to be only in the spring season and they are not suitable for use in other seasons.

Majja and Vasa are second and third best in balancing pitta, ghrta being the first best and taila being the least.

On the other hand, Vasa and Majja are the second and third best in balancing vata and kapha, taila being the first best and ghrta being the least.

Vasanta Rtu is the season for natural kapha aggravation. Though taila is the best to combat kapha, it should be strictly used in Pravrt Rtu. So, Vasa will be the best option to combat kapha in this season.

Default use of Sneha?

Barring their utility in balancing the seasonal aggravation of doshas, Taila and Ghrta are the best Sneha to deal with any dosha aggravation in Pravrt and Sharad Rtu respectively. The same is the case with Vasa and Majja, wherein they are best for use in Vasanta Rtu, immaterial of dosha aggravation. But, practically and logically it is good to follow the seasonal aggravation of doshas.

Example, in Pravrt or Varsha Rtu – if there is pitta aggravation or manifestation or trigger of pitta diseases, taila cannot be used in spite of being the Sneha of choice for this season because it is least beneficial for pitta. So, we can keep pitta under check with palliative medicines until the next season i.e. Sharad Rtu, the season favourable for administration of Ghrta to combat pitta.

Sneha administration in Sadharana Rtus

In sadharana rtus i.e. temperate seasons – wherein the climate is neither too hot nor too cold, Sneha should be ideally administered during day time and when the sun is clear in the sky i.e. bright day. Pravrt / Varsha, Sharad and Vasanta Rtus are Sadharana Rtus. These are ideal seasons to combat vata, pitta and kapha respectively and hence to administer vasti, virechana and vamana respectively. For this, snehana is administered as part of purvakarma – preparation for shodhana. It should be administered during day time only, as specified. The sun should be clear on these days i.e. the cloudy weather is not suitable for administration of snehana or snehapana.

Other rules for Sneha to be followed as part of seasonal consideration

Taila may be used in cold seasons also and Ghrta in summer and even at night, if there is an emergency for administration of Sneha.

Ghrta should be administered only at night time during summer season in –

–        diseases caused by vitiated pitta and vata

–        in samsarga i.e. dual aggravation of pitta and vata wherein pitta is predominant

On the other hand, when the Sneha is indicated to be given in the morning and they are used at night time, they cause vata and kapha diseases. Similarly, Sneha administered during day time when they are indicated to be given at night time, causes pitta diseases.


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