Your Weekly Horoscope for September 22 to 28, 2024

The Fall Equinox is here—and it’s bringing lots of action and change in your weekly horoscope for September 22 to 28, 2024. The sun enters Libra on September 22, ushering in a new season, and daylight officially begins to dwindle as the nights start to grow longer. When the sun travels through Libra, it always puts a spotlight on the most important connections in your life: who are you grateful for, and which relationships could use a little rebalancing?

On the same day, September 22, Venus in Libra slams into Pluto in Capricorn, stirring up power struggles and heated conflicts within your close ties. Feelings of jealousy, obsession, or a desire to control a situation may come up, and your fears and insecurities can take over, so pay attention to any unhealthy patterns or behaviors that may surface within you or others.

Venus, the planet of connection, enters Scorpio later on September 22, adding some intensity and depth to your relationships. Trust and intimacy are topics that will be points of connection or tension over the next few weeks—think: a soulmate type of love, or someone that could be your ride-or-die.

Interesting news also arrives on September 24, when Mercury in Virgo links up with Uranus in Taurus. This is a great day for problem solving, opening your mind to other possibilities, trying something new, and taking risks. On the same day, the last quarter moon in Cancer invites you to surrender and let go. You may even feel more tender as you realize who and what has run its course in your life. Just remember: feeling your feelings can help you heal and let go—even if it’s hard to believe in the moment.

On September 25, it’s (unfortunately) going to feel like Mercury is in retrograde when Mercury in Virgo stares down Neptune in Pisces. Don’t pressure yourself to make any important decisions on this day or to problem solve. Your mind may wander, it might be harder to focus, and the line between fact and fiction may feel a bit blurrier.

Fortunately, later in the day, Mercury in Virgo teams up with Pluto in Capricorn, leaving you feeling empowered. This can help you release limiting beliefs, accept change, and push past any fears of the unknown. Mercury enters Libra on September 26, and more of your mental energy can be focused on your close relationships. Someone important to you may seek more of your advice and support, or maybe you’ll be doing more client or collaborative work. The next few weeks are also perfect for finding more creative inspiration and communicating with tact.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full September 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from September 22-28, 2024

  • Sunday, September 22: Moon enters Gemini
  • Sunday, September 22: Sun enters Libra
  • Sunday, September 22: Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Sunday, September 22: Venus enters Scorpio
  • Tuesday, September 24: Moon enters Cancer
  • Tuesday, September 24: Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
  • Tuesday, September 24: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer
  • Wednesday, September 25:Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
  • Wednesday, September 25: Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
  • Thursday, September 26: Mercury enters Libra
  • Thursday, September 26: Moon enters Leo


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re spending more time with the people you cherish most, Aries, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. Maybe you’re bonding with a roommate, or you’re ready to commit to someone special. You’re craving more of the intimacy you find in one-on-one connections vs. group hangs. This can also bring new collaborative opportunities your way and increase client work, too.

Some of your closest friendships and romantic connections reach new levels of intimacy when Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You’re reflecting more on your relationship with desire. For some, this can kick up jealousy and, for others, it can bring a deeper sense of safety with loved ones. Financially, this brings new opportunities your way and helps you pay down some debt.

There’s a shift in your personal life during the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. Perhaps you’re considering moving or acknowledging the ways in which you and your partner have changed or evolved. This is helpful energy for moving on from old relationship wounds and unhealthy patterns. You could also extend forgiveness to a family member or roommate and wipe the slate clean.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Your hard work is finally paying off, Taurus, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. You’ve made sacrifices to get to where you are now, and you’ve put in the daily effort required to ensure you reach your goals. Maybe you’re getting a raise or receiving praise for a job well done. The next few weeks can also feel busier than normal, as you’re taking on more responsibilities in your personal and professional life.

Partnership becomes more of a priority, thanks to Venus moving into Scorpio later in the day. Maybe you’re ready to make it official with someone special or move in with your partner. If you do freelance work, clients may be clamoring to work with you and more contracts might start showing up in your life. This is a lovely time to deepen the bonds in your close relationships, too, and discuss your future.

It’s time to have the uncomfortable conversation under the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. If there’s something you’ve wanted to get off your chest, now is the time to do it. You may feel the urge to set boundaries or confront someone. If you’re feeling exhausted or overworked, it may be necessary to ask for help or step away from certain projects or obligations.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

Your cup is starting to feel half-full once again, Gemini, thanks to the sun entering Libra on September 22. It’s easier for you to connect with the feeling of gratitude, and you should be noticing the ways you’re blessed in your everyday life. Take note: This can also be an incredibly creative or romantic time for you. Maybe there’s something worth celebrating, or maybe you’re ready to put some of your ideas and work out there and finally take that risk.

Once Venus enters Scorpio later in the day, you’ll find more flow and grounding in your everyday life, helping you cross off those tedious to-do-list tasks and find simple solutions to problems that once gave you a headache. Investing in your own self-care can also be incredibly healing and grounding, so book that massage and slow down.

You’re doing your best to let go of a scarcity mindset under the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. You might also deal with feelings of imposter syndrome or wonder if your dreams are even worth chasing. Don’t let the self-doubt settle in. Even if you aren’t seeing the financial results from your hard work just yet, that doesn’t mean that you’re on the wrong path. Use your discernment to decide how you spend your time. Spoiler alert: Try to focus on people and hobbies that bring you the most joy.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Listen to your inner voice, Cancer, when the sun enters Libra on September 22. You want to drown out the noise and make more time for solitude. As you spend more time alone, your intuition also strengthens, helping you hone in on the next step you should take on your path. You’re also craving more time with loved ones, or you may simply want to sit out of social events and spend time feeling cozied up at home.

Sex and play may be on your mind when Venus enters Scorpio later in the day. You may notice that you’re attracting more attention than normal, and this can be a lucky time for dating and for spicing up your sex life (if you choose to have one). If you’re working on a creative project, this can also fill you with inspiration and courage to share your gifts. New, intriguing invitations and opportunities will also pop up over the coming weeks.

You’re the main character under the last quarter moon in your sign on September 24. This is a powerful day for letting go of the past, especially old memories and feelings that you’ve let define you for too long. You’re ready to start fresh and step into a new version of yourself.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Check your emails and DMs, Leo—you’re in consideration for exciting projects once the sun enters Libra on September 22. This can be a busy and exciting time for collaboration, negotiating new contracts or agreements, taking a class, or spending more time with friends. You’re feeling more courageous in sharing your ideas and thoughts with others, and confident to stand up for what you believe is right.

You’re craving more downtime later in the day when Venus enters Scorpio. Spending time at home or with loved ones feels nourishing and recharging over the next few weeks. Maybe there’s a home renovation project you want to work on, or you simply want to spend more time bonding with your roommates. If you’re moving, this bodes well for finding a new spot and, as an added bonus, can help ease any family drama you’ve been dealing with, too.

The last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24 helps you let go of expectations of how you thought you wanted things to play out. It’s OK to not have all the answers, and today you’re considering alternative ideas and possibilities. You could also learn a secret or decide to put a plan together to take action on an idea you’ve been thinking about privately.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

Money is on your mind, Virgo, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. This can be a busy time for work, whether you’re applying for jobs or existing in your daily office life, and could result in you receiving some long-overdue recognition. Financially, you’re focused on your budget and noticing that you’re either spending too much money, or feeling on track with a financial goal.

Your mind is hungry and craving stimulation, thanks to Venus moving into Scorpio later in the day. Deep conversations feed your soul over the next few weeks and you’re more willing to open up and be vulnerable with others. This is a lovely time to share your feelings and express your love and gratitude for the people you care about most. You may also decide to go back to school, book a weekend getaway, or pencil in some fun social plans with friends.

You’re reflecting on how you want to spend your time, energy, and finances under the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. You’re more aware that your energy is finite and it’s your most precious resource. So if there are people or projects that are leaving you feeling under-appreciated, you may want to share how you’re feeling, or step back from investing so much of your time moving forward.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

All eyes are on you, Libra, when the sun enters your sign on September 22. This is an aligned time for showing up as your most authentic self, pursuing your heart’s desires, and new beginnings. You’re also reminded of how important it is to advocate for yourself in your close relationships, so stop putting your needs on the back burner. New, important relationships may also form, or perhaps you’re gaining attention for a personal goal that you’re making progress on.

Venus, the planet of desire and support, enters Scorpio on the same day. This can bode well for your finances. Maybe you’re getting back on track with your budget, or perhaps receiving a raise or promotion. You may also get some lovely gifts over the next few weeks, or even decide to treat yourself and buy something you’ve had your eye on for a while.

The last quarter moon in Cancer feels personal on September 24—and it is. A vision or goal you had for your future may shift in a significant way. Maybe you want to quit a job or spend more time focusing on aspirations that fill you with a sense of purpose and meaning. This is a moment of redirection–don’t lose hope! Fate and destiny are encouraging you to pursue another path.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

Slow down, Scorpio! The sun enters Libra on September 22, putting you in a more private mood. Your schedule may pick up and it’s possible you’re maxed out, juggling a lot at work and in your personal life. The next few weeks bring you lessons about setting boundaries and embracing solitude. You can dream up your next big idea when you make time for yourself.

Luck and opportunities are all around you once Venus enters your sign later in the day. Others are drawn to you, so this can be a busy time for dating or focusing on personal goals. You may feel called to experiment with your style by testing out a new hair color or dressing up how you always wanted to when you were a teenager. New and exciting opportunities are also opening up for you.

You’re coming to terms with an idea or belief you’re ready to release or move on from under the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. Maybe you were wrong—and that’s okay! This is a moment to accept that you don’t have to have all the answers, and that opening yourself up to others’ ideas and perspectives is a sign of growth. Your intuition is also strong today, and a new idea might emerge that you may want to follow through on.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re going all in on one of your goals, Sagittarius, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. Inspiration strikes, and you want to make the most of it. You could also find yourself mingling with the right people who can help you take your dreams to the next level. Your social calendar is also booked up, and you’re craving more time with friends and with people who are rooting for you and give you a sense of belonging.

Venus, the planet of relationships, enters Scorpio later in the day. The next few weeks encourage you to spend more time alone, whether it’s to pursue a creative project or just recharge your batteries. You may also learn about a secret admirer, or have old lovers show up in your dreams. Your intuition also gets a boost, so don’t second-guess those gut reactions.

The last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24 helps you identify how you want to expend resources. There may be friendships that you want to divest from, or creative projects that you want to chase after full-force. Reciprocity is big for you right now, and you’re more aware of who in your social circle lifts you up—and who may throw a secret evil eye your way.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

It’s your time to shine, Capricorn, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. Others are paying attention to you and your work. You stand out among your peers, and this means you could receive new work opportunities, be nominated for a raise or promotion, or even go viral. This also brings a moment of culmination to milestones you’ve hoped for, whether it’s making a decision to go back to school, becoming a parent, getting engaged, or dating someone new.

You’re in the right place at the right time once Venus enters Scorpio later in the day. The next few weeks connect you with people and allies who want to see you succeed. You’re also making progress on personal goals and feeling confident and excited about what lies ahead. Singles also can meet people through friends, networking events, or even experience more luck than normal with online dating.

The last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24 brings changes to your relationships. Maybe you’re setting boundaries or becoming more aware of a co-dependent pattern with someone. This is an important time for renegotiation and getting on the same page as the significant people in your life.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You’ve got a new, bright idea you’re ready to chase after, Aquarius, when the sun enters Libra on September 22. New conversations are also beginning that leave you full of hope and promise. You may also be drawn toward a subject you want to study, or a locale you want to visit. Your brain is craving novelty, so adopt that beginner’s mindset and follow what you’re most curious about.

It’s time to ask for that raise once Venus enters Scorpio later on the same day. Who you are and what you’re known for are making you stand out among the crowd. This is an exciting time to gain others’ attention for your work, talents, and even for one of your manifestations to finally show up.

The first quarter moon in Cancer encourages you to let go of a habit on September 24. You can visualize your end goal and know what the path of success requires. It’s time to get real with yourself about which behaviors are keeping you further from your goals. Your time is precious, so spend it investing in yourself and your future.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You could use a helping hand, Pisces, once the sun enters Libra on September 22. You’re more aware of the give-and-take in your relationships. As a selfless soul, it’s no doubt that you continue to show up for those you love. Now, you’re encouraged to ask for help when you need it most and to continue to nurture the connections that feel reciprocal. You could also learn about a new contract, or opportunity, or make progress with a financial goal.

You’re tired of your same old routine and ready for adventure when Venus enters Scorpio later in the day. You might want to book some travel or bury yourself in a pile of books. You also have more tact and charm when it comes to getting your ideas across to others over the next few weeks. Exciting opportunities and invitations also make their way to you.

You may have a change of heart about a hobby or relationship you’re pursuing under the last quarter moon in Cancer on September 24. Maybe a creative vision or romantic connection you had ultimately hasn’t panned out the way you wanted it to. This doesn’t necessarily mean giving up! This is a cosmic course correction and an invitation to try something new. Release what isn’t working and give yourself some time to reflect before deciding what to do next.


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