Total Body Reboot

Join me for this total body reboot! We’ll be working your entire body, sculpting strong healthy muscle and putting your body in an optimal state to burn fat and feel energized and amazing!

This workout is actually from the Make Fat Cry 3 Challenge, and it builds on the first two programs by adding some weighted objects to the mix to keep your body progressing! All three of the Make Fat Cry Challenges, including the original MFC, MFC2 and MFC3 are available inside Rock Your Life, my online home workout studio for women – I’d love to see you there!

In Rock Your Life, you can also follow the perfect schedule for your life stage because I’ve built custom tracks into every challenge with guidance for women of different ages. So come make yourself at home with us!

In this workout – and in any training session – feel free to use the modifications or a lower impact version to safely build your strength. You learn the moves, learn the form, and work within your limits as you get stronger. And I’ll guide you on form as we go.

Now grab some weighted objects and let’s go!

If you loved the original Make Fat Cry Challenge, join me in Rock Your Life for Part 2! Once you finish that, you can progress to Make Fat Cry 3! You’ll have access to all 3 challenges (plus dozens more!) in Rock You Life, so you can do them at anytime!

Get started with this series today!


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Total Body Reboot

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: weighted objects, optional elevated surface
Format: perform each move for up to 1:00 for 3 rounds


Burpee Double Jump

  • Begin standing at the top of your mat with your core braced and chest upright.
  • Bend your knees, plant your hands on the mat, and jump your feet back into a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Bend your arms and lower yourself toward the mat for a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a braced core and flat back, push yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Jump your feet back up to your hands and drive through the heels to explosively jump twice.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: For low impact, remove jumps and step your feet out and in.
  • Complete the push-ups with your knees on the mat or complete the entire sequence with your hands planted on an elevated surface (bench/couch/chair) instead of the mat.

Bicep Curl to Press

  • Standing and holding weights with palms facing forward, a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows in at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
  • From this position, rotate the palms to face each other and press the weights straight up overhead, being mindful of not shrugging the shoulders.
  • With control, lower the weights to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the allotted time.

Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Begin standing, a weighted object in each hand and with one foot on an elevated surface behind you, your feet hip width distance and spaced far apart enough for a good lunge position.
    • Find your optimal foot positioning by sitting on the edge of your elevated surface so that the edge is right where your butt meets your thigh. Extend the working leg out straight; wherever your foot lands is where you should place it during this split squat.
    • Ideally, your elevated surface will be no higher than your knee.
  • Lower yourself down with control by bending your knees to the depth that is comfortable for you (ensure that your front knee isn’t buckling in or bowing out).
  • As you stand up, drive through your front heel and come to standing.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform this exercise body weight only, placing your hand against a wall for balance, or performing regular forward lunges on your mat

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Superwoman Lifts to Trap Activators

  • Begin by lying on your stomach on your mat.
  • Extend your arms beside your ears, brace your core to lift and reach your arms and legs off of the mat simultaneously (the wider your legs are, the easier the move will be. As you get stronger, bring your feet closer together).
  • As you lift your body off the mat, draw your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms, and lower both arms and legs back to the starting position.
  • Repeat sequence for the allotted time.


  • Begin standing tall with your core braced and chest upright.
  • Step your right foot back behind you and over to the left as your left knee bends (your right knee will line up behind your left heel).
  • Bend both knees to lower down into your lunge position, ensuring that your chest remains upright and your front knee does not shoot out over your toe.
  • Drive through your front heel and laterally hop to the other side to softly land on the ball of your right foot and repeat the curtsy on the other leg. Alternate back and forth.
  • MOD: Take the jump out of the move and make it low impact by alternating curtsy lunges or reverse lunges.

Bird Dog Crunches

  • Begin in a tabletop position on the mat with your shoulders stacked over your hands, knees under your hips, and a flat back with your core braced.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg while squeezing the glute of the extended leg, keeping your core braced and hips level.
  • Draw your right elbow in to meet your left knee as you crunch your torso and contract your abs.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg and repeat sequence for the allotted time before switching sides.
  • MOD 1: Keep both hands on the mat and extend just your leg behind you and crunch it in below your body.
  • MOD 2: Instead of hovering your extended leg, allow the toes to tap down onto the mat and gently slide them in as you draw your knee towards your elbow.

Great job Rockstar! Way to show up for yourself today! Let me know what you thought of today’s workout in the comments below.

I’d love to see you in ROCK YOUR LIFE, my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community!

Look at the amazing progress Rock Your Life member, Meg, shared over the course of her time in Rock Your Life.

“I’m so thankful I found this great tribe! I have come so far and have gained so much knowledge! Without all the support and resources in this group, I don’t think I would have been this successful. Y’all keep me going and keep me positive!”

– Meg

Get everything you need to reach YOUR goals in Rock Your Life, my online gym studio!

(Returning to Rock Your Life? Just use the “returning members” button on the same page!)

The post Total Body Reboot appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


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